
spelling bee



spelling bee为短语/超纲词汇

spelling bee

'spelling bee
AmE a competition in which the winner is the person who spells the most words correctly
1. He works as diligent as a bee.

2. He is poor at spelling.

3. Althogh he spent many hours daily in the apiary, he was seldom stung by a bee.
    尽管他每天有很多时间待在养蜂房里, 但他很少被蜂螫伤。

4. An English teacher usually divides her time among three subjects: language (grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.), composition, and literature.

5. All this makes me see that besides a good training in pronunciation, spelling, handwriting and basic grammar, one has to pay close attention to English idioms in order to learn the language faster and use it better.

6. "I challenge that. You didn't do either your grammar or your spelling homework."

7. One of them was holding an old spelling book on his knee; and they all looked sadly at the master.
